The 24/7 Grid is an online tool that enables professionals to support and manage service delivery across a number of clients. It enables you to do this in the most efficient and effective way; reducing admin, saving time and money.
Personalisation asks you to look creatively at the way services design a support plan. The weekly grid is a creative and visual way of mapping out the life your clients choose, and building support around it.
Preparing for a tender is a complex process. The amount of paper work, documentation and appendices that a LA panel has to read through could uniquely be supported by providing them with a summary grid that offers them a visual over view of the package you are offering.
Individuals looking to compare a range of care providers may not be in a position to read through their own care plan. Those care providers who are able to provide a visual plan of the support you propose to give them, may give you an edge.
The 24/7 Grid is a practical and visual tool that helps you explain to clients where their direct payment is being spent and how much each aspect of this care is costing. This means clients can fully participate in the planning and design of their support. This is an invaluable tool on a 1:1 visit. The availability of the shareable grid online can however reduce unnecessary home visits and save on administration and travel.
Clients can also submit 4 grids monthly to a payroll service as an alternative to using a traditional ledger. The simple grid summary holds all of the information a payroll service will need in order to calculate employees' PAYE.
For Care Providers and Brokers, we recommend signing up for the Pro Account which should give you enough grids to plan for 10 people if you wish.